How Old Do You Have To Be to Use Subliminals?

Many parents want to start using subliminals on their children early in life. However, we recommend that you do not use a subliminal on a child until after the age of seven.

The reason for that is from the time we are born until the age of seven is when we actually get programmed by our parents, friends, and surroundings.

From birth to the age of seven we are an open slate and absorb everything that is given to us as the truth. This is the time in our life when we pick up our programming whether it is good or bad.

Many parents do not understand this and will unknowingly program their children with bad beliefs that will not serve them well later in life.

After the age of seven then yes you can use subliminals to change any behavior needed.

Besides that, there is no age limit to use subliminals.

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