Signs You’re Manifesting Your Ex Back

When you’re trying to get your ex back, it’s important to be open to signs from the universe. After all, how else are you going to know if your wish is truly on its way?

Many times you will receive signs you’re manifesting your ex back and do not notice them at all. We are all guided by the universe in everything we do.

It is constantly giving you signs that most of us ignore or write off as coincidence. The universe is showing you things trying to get your attention.

Pay attention to the signs. Here are a few that the universe is conspiring to help you get your ex back into your life. Letting you know you are on your way to getting back together.

13 Signs You’re Manifesting Your Ex Back

Start paying attention when going about your day. Most things that happen are not just a coincidence. In fact, most things that happen during our daily routine are signs from the universe trying to guide us.

You may want to stop and read our article on how to manifest your ex back before continuing.

1. You keep seeing their name or initials in unexpected places

Whether it’s their name on a sign or license plate, or their initials carved into a tree, if you keep seeing your ex’s name or initials in random places, it’s a sign that they’re on your mind and the universe is trying to get your attention.

manifesting your ex back signs it is workingMany times the universe or higher power will show us objects or things trying to get our attention. Maybe your ex is thinking about you and you are trying to be guided to think about them.

This could be a strong sign that you are manifesting your ex back and it is working.

2. You keep hearing their favorite song on the radio

If you can’t get your ex out of your head, you may start to notice that their favorite songs are playing everywhere you go. While it might be a coincidence at first, if it happens again and again, it’s a sign that your subconscious is trying to tell you something.

Maybe you both had a favorite song. It may be an older song and has not been on the radio for a while. Is it a coincidence? Probably not. It may be a sign that you are not noticing.

3. You have vivid dreams about your ex

Dreams are one of the most common ways that the universe communicates with us. If you find yourself dreaming about your ex, it’s a sign that they’re on your mind and that you’re ready to manifest them back into your life.

We all have dreams every night, even though most of the time we do not remember them.

If you are having strong dreams about your ex and being back together or times when you were together and this could be a strong sign that your manifestation is working.

When we dream our mind is shut off and our resistance is much lower. We are receiving messages from a higher power much easier when we sleep.

The universe could be trying to guide you on how to bring your ex back in your dreams. It could also be a sign that things are working and you are about to be back together soon.

4. You keep running into them in unexpected places

If you keep running into your ex in places you wouldn’t expect to see them, it’s a sign that the universe is trying to bring you two back together.

Whether it’s at the grocery store or a party, if you keep running into them, it’s a sign that it’s meant to be.

Our thoughts and energy can influence your acts even though you are not together. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that you are both in the same place at the same time?

I would definitely take this as a sign that you are manifesting them back.

5. You have a strong feeling that they’re thinking about you

If you’ve been wondering if your ex is thinking about you, it’s possible that your gut feeling is right. If you have a strong feeling or hunch that they’re thinking about you, it’s a sign that the universe is trying to bring you two back together.

Even when we are not together we can sense each other’s energy. You can often think about someone and they will start thinking about you, that works both ways around.

So if you have a strong feeling about your ex it is more than likely they are thinking about you too at the same time.

This would be a great time to use the whisper method to get into their thoughts or stay in them

6. You keep seeing the same number over and over

Numbers are one of the most common ways that the universe communicates with us. If you keep seeing the same number over and over again, it’s a sign.

It may be strange but numbers have their own power. In fact, most of the universe is mathematical. We do not fully understand it yet but numbers are very powerful.

Even though we do not fully understand it yet if you keep seeing the same numbers all the time pay attention.

7. You find random items that remind you of them

If you keep finding random items that remind you if your ex, it’s a sign that they’re on your mind and the universe is trying to get your attention.

Old clothes could be a sign your manifesting your ex backWhether it’s a picture of them that you find or their favorite type of candy, or you keep finding reminders of them.

It could be a sign that someone or something is telling you to keep thinking about your ex.

It could also mean that manifesting your ex back is going to happen soon.

8. You have a sudden urge to contact them

If you’ve been thinking about your ex and suddenly have the urge to contact them, it could be that the universe is trying to bring you two back together.

Whether you get the urge to call them, text them, or email them if you have a sudden urge to reach out to them.

However, it does not mean that you should contact them. It all depends on where you are currently in your relationship.

If you have recently broken up then it may be too soon to get in contact with them. This also applies if you are on bad terms right now.

9. You start to see happy couples all the time

When you’re trying to bring your ex back, it’s normal to start noticing all of the happy couples around you.

Whether it’s friends, family, or strangers, it seems like everyone is in a relationship but you. While it might make you feel jealous or alone at first, it’s actually a good sign.

Why? Because it means that you’re open to the idea of being in a relationship again. And when you’re open to the idea of being in a relationship, it’s much easier to bring your ex back into your life.

Many times the universe will show you things to get your attention.

Think of it as the higher power asking you is this what you want? Do you really want to be back together like this happy couple?

We communicate with the universe through our feelings so when you see a happy couple and feel good about it it is telling the universe that yes this is what I want to have once again with my ex.

10. You have a gut feeling you will be back together with your ex

When you’re trying to manifest something, it’s important to listen to your gut instinct. If you have a gut feeling that you’re going to get back together, it’s a sign that it’s meant to be.

Your gut feeling is one of the most powerful manifesting tools that you have.

So if you find yourself thinking about them and you have a strong gut feeling that you’re going to get back together, it’s a sign that you should trust your intuition and possibly take action on it.

11. You believe it is definitely going to happen

When you’re trying to find signs of your manifest working, one of the most important things you can do is believe that it’s already a done deal.

The more you believe that you’re going to get back together, the easier it will be to manifest it into your reality. In fact, anytime you’re trying to manifest something into your life you must feel as if you already have it.

This is the way to make a manifestation work. You must feel as if it has already happened.

12. Your ex texts you first

If your ex texts you first, it’s a sign that they’re thinking about you and they want to talk to you. It’s a good sign that they’re open to the idea of getting back together and you should take advantage of it.

Your ex texts you firstDon’t get carried away at first if you have not communicated with each other in a while.

Keep it light. You do not want to immediately ask for a date or start whining about breaking up or asking if they want to get back together.

Do that and you will push them away you’ll be starting all over trying to manifest them back.

13. You meet someone new

If you meet someone new and they remind you of your ex, it’s a sign that you’re still thinking about them. It’s possible that this new person is just like your old boyfriend or girlfriend or that they’re just a reminder of what you’re missing.

This is quite common in fact. Sometimes when we meet someone new the universe is asking would you rather be with this person instead? It can tell what we want by our feelings.

I have seen it happen a lot of times when you meet someone new for some reason your ex can feel it or knows about it and everything switches. Suddenly they must have you back.

If your friends and family are telling you that you should get back together with your ex, it’s a sign that they see the potential for you two to be together.

They can see that you’re both still in love with each other and they want to see you happy.

Final thoughts

Most of us go about our day and never notice any signs that are manifestation is close. We are clueless about what is happening.

If you really pay attention you will see signs throughout the entire day. They are all around us even while we sleep.

The universe tries hard to get our attention which we usually ignore or write off as coincidence.

It is trying to show you, to relax, and take it easy, your manifestation is almost here. What you are doing is working, keep it up.


Mike Tucker
Mike Tucker

With over 20 years of experience in studying and applying the principles of the law of attraction, I have helped countless individuals manifest their desires, achieve their goals, and unlock extraordinary success. My expertise is backed by extensive studies in audio production, psychology, neuroscience, sound therapy, and linguistics, which I integrate into the creation of transformative subliminal programs. As a master audio technician, I utilize a state-of-the-art production process to ensure unparalleled quality and effectiveness. Together with my dedicated team, I have developed some of the most innovative and successful subliminal programs on the market, blending science, sound, and strategy to help people elevate their lives. You can read more here about Mike Tucker here.


  1. Bought get your ex back. 3 weeks later he got in touch. Spent 2 days texting before we met up. By the end of the week he is giving me the silent treatment. I’m still listening to the subliminal and believe we are good together. Any ideas apart from giving him space and keep going with the subliminal?

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