Our subliminal flush is a method of cleansing the subconscious mind of negativity and past subliminals. It is one of the most effective ways of achieving a positive clean state of mind.
Now you can erase any and all past programming from other subliminals you may have used. Completely eliminate their influence on you coming from your subconscious mind.
Perhaps you have used subliminals that did not help you at all. Maybe you listened to recordings not knowing what was on them. What the affirmations were.
Or used a subliminal then felt bad afterward.
Subliminal flushing involves listening to specially crafted audio recordings that contain affirmations and statements that are designed to target the negative thoughts and beliefs that may be holding you back.
The recordings are filled with positive silent affirmations, just below the level of conscious hearing, so that the conscious mind is not aware of what is being said.
This allows the affirmations to bypass the critical faculty and go straight to the subconscious mind where they can take effect.
Subliminal flushing is an extremely powerful tool for achieving positive change and can be used to address a wide range of issues including self-doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and much more.
If you are looking for a way to improve your life and reach your full potential, then subliminal flushing may be the answer you have been searching for.
Please Read – This subliminal is different from our other ones. It is meant to be used for 10 consecutive days in order to completely reset and clear out all the bad stuff in your subconscious mind.
It will erase all influence from past subliminals you may have used before. You will be starting fresh and ready for new subliminal programming.
Do not use it before or after other subliminals as it will erase those from your subconscious. Use it to clear, clean, and reset your subconscious, then go ahead and use your new subliminals.
Don’t worry it is completely safe and effective to use. We have fully tested it.
Headphones or earbuds should be worn to get the full effect from our Subliminals
Sample Clip of this 30-minute Subliminal Flush
MP3 Format Only – Instant download
Contains .zip file with MP3, and Instructions with the complete list of affirmations
Owen Richardson –
Great service