Sometimes relationships do not work out for some reason. You end up being the one with the heartache and have a hard time letting go of your ex.
Everything you do reminds you of your ex. Places you have been, songs on the radio, your surroundings, even the food you used to eat together. I know, it’s tough.
If it is over and you know you have to move on you need to stop living in the past and just let go. There is someone better for you coming in your future but you have to let go and open yourself up for new possibilities.
This subliminal was created to end all of those strong overpowering feelings and emotions. The soothing soundtrack with our silent subliminal affirmations will allow you to relax and begin feeling better right away.
You will get rid of that sinking feeling and open up to a new future. An exciting new future with unlimited possibilities. You will actually enjoy being single again.
You can not meet your soulmate or perfect match by hanging on to the past. If it is over, let them go and move on.
Just listen to this audio daily or as needed. This product is designed to work for men or women.
Sample Clip of this 30-minute Get Over Your EX Subliminal
MP3 Format Only – Instant download
Contains .zip file with MP3, and Instructions
Subliminals recorded on this audio –
I release my ex.
I release grief.
I release the past.
Thank you I have now let go of my ex.
I release any and all ways I feel responsible.
There is something better waiting for me.
The Universe is taking me to a better safer place.
My heart is opening up to new possibilities.
I stay strong.
I will open my heart when I am ready.
I will love again.
I will grow from this experience.
I send Universal love, peace, and happiness to my former partner.
I release all these unrelenting, painful thoughts and emotions.
I now move on with my life.
I love myself unconditionally.
I let go of all past regrets.
Thank you I have now let go of my ex.
I have power over my own life.
I have a lot to offer.
I have a lot of fun when I am single.
I have a bright and happy future.
I forgive myself.
I forgive my ex.
I enjoy spending time with myself.
I do not need to be in a relationship to be happy.
I deserve to be happy.
I deserve to be appreciated.
I deserve love.
I deserve better.
Thank you I have now let go of my ex.
I choose to release anger, hurt, and negative self-talk.
I choose to be at peace with the way that things are.
I can find somebody better than my ex.
I am worthy of love.
I am whole on my own.
I am thinking positive about my future.
I am over my ex.
I am now letting go.
I am no longer tied down and can do as I please.
I am loving and compassionate to myself at all times.
I am loved and lovable.
I am happy being single.
I am happy being independent.
Thank you I have now let go of my ex.
I am grateful for the lessons.
I am now free.
I am excited to start my new life.
I am excited about this new beginning.
I am enjoying my freedom.
I am confident in my ability to find somebody better.
I am choosing to let go because I can’t control anyone but myself.
I am capable of trusting again.
I am capable of loving again.
I am an attractive person.
I am allowing myself to feel joy, laugh, and smile.
I am a strong individual.
I am a being of love.
Everything is unfolding as it is supposed to.
Being single is fun.
Thank you I have now let go of my ex.
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