How to Reach Your Desire Faster with Law of Attraction

Can you really reach your desire faster using the law of attraction? The answer to that is absolutely, and here’s how. Most people desire something that is lacking in their life. It’s okay to want something, in fact, knowing what you want is a good first step.

Use this guide to learn how to reach your desire faster with the law of attraction

Ask and you shall receive

Once you know your desire you cannot go about asking for it or wanting it, this is the totally wrong mindset.

Why is this you ask? I thought I was supposed to ask for what I wanted? The problem with this is you are coming from a mindset of lack, something that is missing in your life.

This is what you do not want. The law of attraction will only give you more of what you focus on.

So how can you change this? You need to change your mindset from wanting to deserving. When you come from a place of deserving, you are already in a state of receiving.

This is the right mindset to have when using the law of attraction.

When you come from a state of deserving, you are already in a state of receiving. This is the right mindset to have when using the law of attraction.

Now how do you go about getting into this mindset? It’s actually quite simple. All you need to do is think about what it is that you really want.

Once you have a clear idea of what it is, start to feel as if you have already received it. This may sound a bit confusing, but it’s really quite simple.

When you think about what it is that you want, start to feel the feelings of joy, happiness, and love. These are some of the feelings that you will want to experience when you have already received what it is that you desire.

If you can’t quite seem to get yourself into this mindset, then find someone who already has what you want and start to emulate their thoughts and feelings.

The law of attraction is all about getting into the right mindset and once you are in this mindset, you will start to see results.

So, if you are having trouble reaching your desire, then start by changing your mindset and then watch as the law of attraction starts to work for you.

The way the Law of Attraction works is you get what you think about. If you are thinking about what you do not have, why your desire is not showing up in your life, and so on, all you are going to attract is more of the same.

You must think about the end result only. What’s it going to feel like when you achieve your desire. Can you picture it in your life as if it already happened? Use your imagination.

This is how you will attract your desire or reach your desire faster with the law of attraction.

Once you learn this powerful skill, and it is powerful and worth learning, you can reach any desire faster using this method.

All of it can be achieved with the Law of Attraction if used properly. It works and it works every time. If you take the time to learn this skill.

The bottom line is if you want to reach your desire faster you must think about, and only think about, the end result… nothing else.

Do not worry about how it will happen that will be taken care of for you in the most efficient way possible. Just keep the end result in mind and stay in the feeling of already having it.

Use affirmations, subliminals, your imagination, or any other tool needed to create powerful emotional feelings of already having it.

The stronger you can create feelings of already having it the faster it will come to you.

That is totally the opposite of what most people do. All of us go around thinking about what we don’t have.

All you’re going to get when you think like that is more of not having.

Tips for reaching your desire faster using the law of attraction

1. Come from a place of deserving.
2. Emulate the thoughts and feelings of someone who already has what you want.
3. Focus on what it is that you really want.
4. Start to feel the feelings of joy, happiness, and love.
5. Believe that you can reach your desire faster using the law of attraction.
6. Stay positive and have faith that you will reach your desire.
7. Be patient and don’t give up.
8. Practice gratitude for what you have already received.
9. Visualize yourself having already reached your desire.
10. Take action towards reaching your desire.

Practice daily affirmations that align with your desire. This will keep your focus and energy on your goal and accelerate the process. Remember, the Law of Attraction works on the principle of like attracts like. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions create your reality.

Hence, always keep your thoughts positive, your feelings joyful, and your actions aligned with your dream. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that can help you achieve your desires faster than you ever thought possible.

However, it requires commitment, patience, and a positive mindset. Stay focused, believe in your abilities, and trust in the process. Your desires are within your reach, and with the Law of Attraction, you can manifest them into your reality more quickly.

So use your thoughts and feelings and you will reach your desire faster than you ever thought possible. Try it.

Mike Tucker
Mike Tucker

With over 20 years of experience in studying and applying the principles of the law of attraction, I have helped countless individuals manifest their desires, achieve their goals, and unlock extraordinary success. My expertise is backed by extensive studies in audio production, psychology, neuroscience, sound therapy, and linguistics, which I integrate into the creation of transformative subliminal programs. As a master audio technician, I utilize a state-of-the-art production process to ensure unparalleled quality and effectiveness. Together with my dedicated team, I have developed some of the most innovative and successful subliminal programs on the market, blending science, sound, and strategy to help people elevate their lives. You can read more here about Mike Tucker here.


  1. Hi Mike. I almost have my dream job as I’m working in my dream construction company in London and I love my position . However I am working as a computer modeller and take directions from the design engineer. I am being sponsored by my company for the first year of a engineering degree course part time. I would like to manifest being offered sponsorhip for the full degree part time and being offered the position of a design engineer. If I imagine the director offering me a promotion and feel how happy I would be to be working in the position will it actually happen right? Also, my office is brilliant but its quite a commute at an hour and 20 minutes. I would like the to open another office near my house.

  2. Hi Mike. Can I use law of attraction to attract back some friends that I have lost contact with? Some friends I have don’t message me back and I would like them to invite me out again to group events. Also one of my old friends had a massive falling out with me last year and she’s full of anger towards me and I would like to manifest that we’re friends again

    • Yes you can, I’ve seen many people have great success attracting old friends back

      Visualize old times you had and bring up those good feelings, or create a new scene in your mind of you and your friends having a great time together sharing a new experience.

  3. Hi Mike. I’ve been seeing this lovely guy for 6 months and he works long hours in the Metropolitan Police. I only see him about once every 2 or 3 weeks. Last weekend he was free and I’m disappointed he didn’t ask me out. I fear he may have gone off me or he could have been busy ? He texted me last Thursday saying he was looking forward to the weekend and having a rest. My parents think its over as they think he doesn’t want to see me. I would like to see him more and for him to chase me more. When we first started going out we used to see each other every week before the lock-down. I’ve been visualising being at home together and etc and being affectionate and that feels good. Is that what I should continue doing? I would also like him to text me more and become miss me. I would appreciate your advice.

  4. Hi, I need help. Every time I keep trying to use my senses, I don’t feel that manifestation feeling. Can I use scripting while I use my senses? My goal is to get my fictional crush and go to Toontown. Can I also play dress up and pretend that my fictional crush is here with me? What things can I use to make me feel like I have my desired fictional crush?

  5. Hi Mike. I met this guy speed dating and he was really keen and pursuing me and I had a lovely date with him
    And during the date he asked if he could see me again and was really complimentary . But after the first date he seemed less keen and I texted him to say I had a fun time and he texted back “ he had a fun time too and have a good day”… I was really disappointed he didn’t ask me for a second date .. can I manifest him asking me for a second date and being really keen and a relationship with him as I really like him.

    • Yes, visualizing in your mind as if he has asked you for a second date. Think about it until you get the feeling as if it has already happened.

      Think about the way you want things to be not the way they are. This is how we communicate with the universe telling it what to bring us

  6. Hi Mike. Last year I met this cute guy at a social dinner event which is organised every month . He tried to ask me out but I wasn’t ready to go out with him as I was recovering from a break up . I’ve been going to the dinner events now hoping to see him there but I haven’t seen him
    For 6 months and was thinking I wouldn’t see him

    I wanted to see him again
    And get him to ask me out and get loads of other gorgeous guys to ask me out . I keep visualising guys asking me out and it’s working because I’ve got two date etc . If I keep visualising asking that guy who I wanted to see again to ask me out will it happen? And that’s the right thing to do isn’t it?

    • Yes, that is how it works. You said you keep asking for… don’t ask.
      Asking means you do not have something, it is missing in your life.

      You have to come from a place that it has already happened, it is here, you have achieved it.
      Give thanks that it already happened. 🙂

      • Hi Mike . Thanks so much for the reply . I also wanted men in general to think I’m
        Really beautiful and attractive etc. Could you do a subliminal where you could attract any guy you wanted ? I’m thinking what it would feel like if I had a really handsome boyfriend that was a catch etc and everyone was jealous about that and talking about that. If I keep visualising and thinking how cool it is that men think I’m beautiful will that actually happen and will that make me more beautiful?

        • Funny you should mention this, we are working on one for women on becoming a man magnet.
          I think you will like it. 🙂

          Should be out by this weekend.

          Yes keep visualizing, you will also feel more confident and your attraction will become stronger.

          • Mike I’m soooo
            Happy you said that about your subliminal! I’ve been visualising men thinking I’m
            Beautiful and when I was at court today for jury service I felt like this guy I noticing me and checking me out ! I’ll probably buy up
            All your subliminals at one point!

            Ps. Could you get that subliminal to
            Include the beauty ratio mask which has a relationship of 1.16 of features and that’s supposed to be the model mask for a beautiful women’s face

      • Also Mike, about that cute guy who I wanted to ask me out – there’s only 2 organised dinners left . What if he doesn’t turn up to those dinners? I won’t be able to see him
        Then? Or could it happen where I see him
        By accident outside those dinners if I visualise but I
        Don’t have his details

        • Just think act and feel as if he has already asked you out, let the universe figure out the how it will happen part. It does not always happen the way we think it will.

          Everything happens for a reason.

          Off topic but… the other day I spilled coffee while I was getting ready to leave and had to change. I did not get upset and figured that is the way it is supposed to be.

          Turns out I avoided a huge accident that looked like it happened a few minutes before I got there.

  7. Hi Mike. There’s this really gorgeous TV presenter in England that I’m
    Attracted to and he’s also a really clever academic. I’m been visualising and thinking about how happy I would to be with him and if hes interested in me . I’m going to an academic lecture next month and he’s presenting it . Is that a good sign my visualising is working? Also is it harder to manifest him as a boyfriend as he’s a celebrity?

    • I don’t believe it would be any harder, celebrities are real people just like everyone else. In fact, they usually have bigger problems and worries than most of us.
      I have helped a lot of famous people and celebrities over the years. I wish I could say who but to keep everything confidential I cannot. 🙂

      Keep visualizing.

      • Hi Mike,

        Thank you so so much for replying. Wow that’s amazing that you’ve assisted celebrities and maintain confidentiality.

        I think the visualizing about the celebrity/academic I’m attracted to is working because today when I was walking to my parents house, this handsome guy chatted to me and introduced himself to me when I walked passed him on the road. That’s a good sign that I’m reaching my desire.

  8. Mike. Would it be possible to make a subliminal on how to regrow your gums? This is a bit embarrassing but I lost a lot of my gums and the dentist said they never grow back. And I’ve heard that this is a common problem with people. It would be great to get them back.

    • Yes, we can make a subliminal for that if you want to write out the affirmations we will record it.

      This is a new one to me. How effective it would be, I don’t know. I am sure you can make your gums healthier. The mind is a great healer.

  9. Hi mike,

    I got this great job where I was allowed to
    Work from home and only go in once a week to survey the buildings. I work as a structural engineer and my boss was really impressed with my work. Im really disappointed but she gave away two of my projects to
    Another engineer as he gave her cheap office space. He’s going on Holiday for a month so my manager said she’ll give me the next projects. Can I manifest that other engineer out of the picture? My manager said she didn’t want to give him two projects as he’s more expensive
    . I really like this job

    • You can manifest the other engineer out of your job and I know people that have done similar things. However…

      You could look at it in a totally different way. The universe is nothing but abundance there’s never lack of anything.

      If you know you can do a better job than the other engineer, why worry about it, it will all work out. We attract and get what we worry about. Think of the other engineer as helping you out. I’m sure there are plenty of jobs to go around in your office. Visualize them taking the ones you don’t want doing you a favor. Be thankful they are there they are allowing you to get the good jobs.

      Visualize yourself succeeding every day doing a good job, your boss petting you on the back, complementing your excellent work. The other engineer will wonder how you get so lucky getting all those perfect jobs.

      • Hi Mike. Thank you so so much for replying to me. I’m really grateful. Yesterday I got a text from my manager saying that she won’t be using.the other engineer anymore and that she prefers to use me and that she’ll be giving me all the structural projects from now on !!x I am so happy about that ! I bought your money magnet subliminal and after the third day she text me so i’m sure that really really helped.

        • Also. there’s another desire I have. I have this really nice, fun and glamorous acquaintance from primary school and she has like million friends and doesn’t have time for me. we went to play school together so have known each other since four years old but she never ever has time for me. She used to live down the road from my parents for thirty years but I couldn’t reach her. Can I manifest a good friendship with her? she’s friends with another girl I know who isn’t very genuine and its hard watching that. So would i need to feel and imagine that I’m out with her and she’s texting me etc?

          • Yes, you can. Just like you said. Imagine you are already friends…laughing, having a good time and so on.

        • Could you post that as a review for the money magnet subliminal? I would appreciate it. Thanks

          • Sure ! of course I can ! It’s only been a few days since I’ve been using it but its definetely helping! I’m really glad you made one

  10. Hi!
    If i have hard time believe i gonna get in real life what i want, can it work anyway if only focus of end results about i wanna have?

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