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How to Manifest Your Ex Back (This Works)


You can learn how to manifest your ex back if you follow this guide and apply these methods. If you are wondering, how to bring someone back to you with the law of attraction, you’re not the only one.

It’s one of the more common questions we get asked. Reading this entire article and following it you will be able to manifest and bring anyone back into your life.

Can you manifest your ex back into your life?

Can you manifest a person back into your life? Many of you want to know if this is even possible. My answer to this question is, yes you can manifest your ex back with the law of attraction.

In fact, using the law of attraction is one of the most effective ways you can use to get an ex back if you use it properly and stick to it.

If you follow these guidelines, you will attract them back to you, or you will find a better relationship than you had before, using the same principles.

As a side effect, you will naturally start to attract other people into your life, whether you want to or not. It can not be avoided.How to manifest your ex back like this couple kissing did

First of all, forget the past, it is gone, there’s nothing you can do about it and can not change it so, do not dwell on it anymore.

Whatever happened is in the past, you are starting fresh now.

If you are doing anything else or using any other method for getting someone back, stop now.

Follow these steps, and nothing else, because they work.

How to manifest your ex back into your life

Follow these 5 steps and you will manifest your ex back to you fast. Use all of the methods and have faith that they work. They have been fully tested by many users with great success!

Step 1. Clarify why you want to manifest your ex back

Get out a piece of paper, a journal, or a notebook, and write out all the reasons you want your ex back. Not just because you are lonely or miss them they must be positive reasons.

If you want to be certain you want to manifest them back get a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side list everything you love about them.

On the other side list everything you hate about them. If the good side outweighs the bad then continue. Take your time and think about this, be honest with yourself.

Writing out your intent by hand is very important. It starts the manifestation process immediately. Typing or talking to your computer or phone does not have the same effect. You need to write with your own hand.

This is how the law of attraction works. The more you can feel loved and grateful for having your ex back the faster it will happen.

Even if they have moved on and are with someone else or a new partner. Do not worry about it, and never worry about how it will happen.

The law of attraction is very powerful and it works. Something will change, they will start missing you, they will come back to you, all from the power of the law of attraction and the unstoppable power of your mind.

Step 2. Visualize as if you are already back together and in love

When you visualize you will want to think about nothing but positive thoughts about your ex. Forget everything that happened before. Treat this as a game of your imagination.

Every morning when you first wake up imagine that you are with your ex, imagine you are saying good morning to each other, kissing, hugging, talking about what you’re going to do today.

In other words, imagine they are there with you now. Say hi to them in the morning.

At night do the same thing, imagine you’re falling asleep with your ex, hugging, kissing, saying I love you, saying goodnight, imagine they are there with you right now.

When you are watching TV or your favorite movie, imagine they are with you. Imagine you are having a conversation with them, talking about the movie, and so on.

When you’re cooking dinner imagine your cooking for two. You can even set the table for two like you are having dinner with your ex that night.

How would you react, what would you be saying to each other? How grateful would they be that you made them dinner?

Listening to positive music or your favorite songs, or watching movies about love and relationships that are positive will also help keep your mind positive and keep you in a loving feeling.

How to manifest your ex back in 5 stepsYou want to do everything you can to imagine they are with you all the time.

Whatever you have to do to get into the feeling of having them there….now.

This is how the law of attraction works. It is how we attract everything spirituality into our lives.

Step 3. Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

You need to eliminate your common limiting beliefs and allow the universe to bring you what you desire. These principles work if you allow them and believe in your power to manifest what you want.

Many of us spend a good part of our lives with bad or false beliefs running in our subconscious minds.

You should use any means necessary to turn them into positive feelings and emotions, especially if you are suffering from a broken heart. Manifesting limiting beliefs will only slow down the entire process.

Anytime you feel negative, you can replace those thoughts and feelings with gratitude and love. Love is the most powerful emotion you can use to attract someone back to you.

No matter what happened in the past, or problems you have had, even if you are feeling bad at the moment you have to concentrate on what you want and what’s going to happen in the future. That is bringing them back to you.

You do not want to continue manifesting negative beliefs by holding negative thoughts in your mind’s vision. Holding on to negative energy and negative beliefs will only attract more negative.

You will have a hard time attracting your ex back and may manifest or attract negative outcomes.

If you are having trouble with your negative emotions think of a time when you were happy in your life while you use these other methods. You must stop feeling pity for yourself if you are.

For example, if you are using a subliminal and have trouble visualizing yourself back together with your ex then think of another time in your life when you were happy doing something else while you listen.

Not about your breakup or anything that has happened since. Limiting beliefs block your desire from manifesting. Many of us grow up with life limiting beliefs that are not true.

Step 4. Use positive affirmations to manifest an ex back

You can write out a list of affirmations and read them every night right before going to bed. Write out what you want to attract into your life.

You could also record them and listen to them in your sleep. However, affirmations are not as effective as a subliminal since you actually hear the spoken words.

The reason is your conscious mind may pick up on them and reject them. It also may be hard to sleep with someone, even though it’s your own voice, talking all night.

We have an article on affirmations to get your ex back if you want to read more.

Step 5. Use a journal, scripting, or diary to feel good about your relationship

Whatever writing method you wish to use if you write out a story as if you were already back together with your ex right before going to bed you will find this effective.

It will help you with your visualization. The more stories you can create or scenes with you and them back together the faster you will manifest them back into your life.

Journal and write out stories as if they were happening in your current reality. Ones that make you feel good.

Remember we attract what we think about. If you can keep your thoughts on the two of you back together, even though you are not, the faster it will happen.

Another method you could use is writing yourself an email as if it came from them. What would they say to you? Write it as if you were together right now.

Imagine they went on vacation for two weeks and were missing you really bad, what would they say to you in a letter or email?

Writing and sending emails like this to yourself, as if they came from them, is a good positive manifesting technique.

What You Should Not Do

Do not contact them at all if you can avoid it, let them come to you, and follow the no contact rule. do not spy on them, check out their Facebook page, post on social sites, and so on.

You are probably not ready to talk to them without bringing up bad feelings, arguing, or feeling the lack of not being with them. Follow the no contact period.

Do not read old love letters whether they are good or bad because you will soon be missing them and feeling the lack if you do you will only attract more of the same.

Don’t take any action, or force things since everything is perfect in your mind, you are loved, and grateful for having them back right now.

Apply everything stated above for 30 days. Even if you get them back in a matter of days, continue to do the exercises for a full 30 days.

Imagine the way you want the relationship to be and it will happen in real life. This is a great method on how to manifest an ex back with the law of attraction.

Eventually, you will want to get back in contact with them. Take a look at this article and you will learn how you can manifest someone to text you.

Get your ex back subliminal

Our Powerful  get your ex backsubliminal program is available for anyone that is still struggling with getting someone back.

This program will change your hidden subconscious beliefs and stop you from doing the wrong things and sabotaging your chances.


We are now offering you a custom-made get your ex back subliminal. We will record the subliminal with your ex’s name, making our popular program even more effective and providing faster results.

How long does it take to manifest your ex back?

This is a question that I get asked a lot, and it’s one that I’m not entirely sure how to answer. After all, there is no set time frame for manifestation, and everyone’s situation is different.

That being said, I have seen people manifest their exes back in as little as a few days, and I’ve seen it take a few months.

It will depend on your thoughts and beliefs. If you’re someone who believes that it will take a long time, then it probably will. Keep your feelings positive about your relationship and feel good during the process.

If you believe that you can manifest your ex back quickly, then you likely will.

The key is to keep your thoughts and beliefs in alignment with what you want to manifest. So if you want to manifest your ex back quickly, then you need to believe that it’s possible.

Keep your thoughts positive and focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want.

And be patient. The universe will deliver what you’re asking for, but it may not happen in the timeline that you’re hoping for.

Trust that the universe has your back and that everything is happening for your highest good.

The universe always delivers. So if you’re still waiting for your ex to come back, have faith that it will happen. Everything always works out in the end.

Use the steps I posted above and have faith that they work.

Does Manifesting Your Ex Really Work?

The answer is…yes, it does work! I have seen it work time and time again.

Manifesting your ex back is simply the process of aligning your thoughts and beliefs with what you want to achieve. And when you do that, the universe will conspire to make it happen.

So if you want to get your ex back, you need to start by believing that it’s possible. Then you need to apply the steps listed above. Use them daily and you will see things starting to change.

Be patient. The universe works in its own time, not ours. So trust that everything is happening for your highest good and have faith that your ex will come back to you.

How do I make my ex feel the spark again?

If you start by working on yourself and getting back to the way YOU were when you first met you will be able to make your ex feel the spark in your relationship once again.

This is actually easier than most people think. They had feelings or were in love with you at one time. Those feelings never really disappear.

You just need to feel like you did when you first met. This is what they were attracted to. Your thoughts, feelings, and energy need to change if you want to manifest your ex back.

Final Thoughts

Changing your subconscious beliefs will change what you attract in your life. Your vibration level will change and you will become aligned with your desire. The law of attraction works!

In this case, being back with your ex. Ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, it does not matter. What we think about, visualize and feel is what we attract and manifest.

Learning how to manifest your ex back is just a step-by-step process. The universe will deliver experiences that match your thoughts and feelings.

You may also want to check out our article on signs your manifesting your ex back and how to make your ex want you back. Thanks for reading!

  1. Eric Richey Eric Richey

    Hey Mike,

    My true desire is to marry Her (my “ex”),
    So should I visualize living in the end with a single scenario implying the wish is fulfilled?

    Example, Seeing Her giving Birth to our Son.

    That surely shows we have some kind of relationship. 😉 Lol

    And with all the past arguments… conflicts.

    Forget them, and don’t be concerned about “revising” my Past.

    I’ve been studying Neville Goddard for a few weeks now.

    I’m just ready to let us Be together. Lol.

    I don’t need to worry about how it’s going to happen, just knowing it is, and knowing that it’s happening.

    Besides, some LOA/Manifeststion experts are conflicted over the idea of manifesting a specific Person. Concerns of “manipulation”, and yet, if you were already with the person before, what would stop that from happening again? The Past seems to be the only obstacle that must be forgiven aka forgotten.

    Thank you, appreciate your Wisdom.

    • Yes, that is what you should be doing. I think I would visualize the wedding instead for various reasons.
      Don’t over think it just think, visualize and feel the end result… as if it already happened.

  2. J J

    “This stuff works. I’m no expert at this, but the reason why so many of you are failing is because you keep talking about what’s not happening. This whole forum, and every other LoA forum is full of sad sob stories of people trying to manifes their ex/SP with no success. It’s not working because your attention is on the lack of it not working. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. You know why more people had success in Neville’s time than they do now? Because they didn’t have internet forums to read about people’s stories of lack. Or stalk their SPs on social media. They LIVED in their imagination because that’s the only choice they had. If you want to get serious about manifesting, then stop talking about it. Stop coming on these forums and posting about how it’s not working. Stop looking for evidence that points you in the opposite direction of your manifestation.

    • CE CE

      so true!–I need to read more often to remind myself to live in the imgaination than to read other comments.

      Can you share more on Neville’s time? I never heard of it.

  3. Elizabeth marie Elizabeth marie

    Hi Mike. I had a relationship 2 years back. We broke up due to misunderstandings. I want to have him back in my life. Should i practice law of attraction?

    • Yes, of course, you should practice law of attraction.

      Law of attraction is truly how we attract things into our lives whether we know it or not. Most people do not use it and live life by default. Law of attraction is nothing new. The principals have been known since ancient times. It works and is well worth learning how to apply it.

      • Elizabeth Marie Elizabeth Marie

        Thanks. But can you guide me with do’s and dont’s during this whole process?
        What are the principles involved?

  4. Eric Johnson Eric Johnson

    Great article. I have been following these steps, Eric Ho on youtube, and some LoveAdvice TV stuff. I am visualizing. My ex recently went back to her old ex. I never reacted to our break up till that moment called and had a good civil conversation. After that two days later couldn’t control myself and had more to say and sent what I would call not mean but fighting texts for her, and what I hoped. Then two days after sent an apology. Four days later I am manifesting and trying to visualize being wth her. Idk if it will be possible now. Please advise.

    • Here is a perfect example why no contact is recommended at first. No offense, but most people cannot contact their ex at first without bringing up bad feelings and arguing. Now those feelings and thoughts are in your mind and all you will attract is more of the same.

      Law of attraction works and is fairly simple. Stop thinking about the past and forget everything that has happened. The only thing you should hold in your thoughts and feelings is being back together. Think about it, visualize it, feel it.

      Always think about the end result.

  5. Zoe Mary Zoe Mary

    Hi mike, silly question but is it portobello to will be our ex back after being through a bad break up 2 years ago and he is recently in a new relationship. I strongly believe we are meant to be together. Thanks x

    • If it is meant to be it will. I’ve seen people get back together after 10 years. Apply the principles and be patient. Anyone that wants their ex back has to work on themselves first. Control your thoughts and your vibration will change.

      Maybe your ex feels the same way.

      • Greg Allder Greg Allder

        Hi Mike
        That comment you just said ” if it’s meant to be it will” ….its a bit of a concern. It’s like ” oh if it happens it happens “…maybe loa is just luck …a fluke and NOTHING else

        • Was not meant to be taken that way. Law of attraction is not a fluke or just luck.
          Was hoping it would be taken as… sometimes we need to detach from our desire.

          If we overthink or worry about how something is going to happen we push it away even further.
          Sometimes we need to let go and let the law of attraction work instead of trying to force something.

          Maybe a poor choice of words on my part. Been a long day…

          The principles of the law of attraction go back to ancient times. It is in the bible. It is in ancient scrolls.
          As far back as 391 BC, it has been known.

          • greg allder greg allder

            no probs Mike

            it must be hard and draining at times trying to reply to all the messages 🙂 Going to get the personalise subliminal – the other one worked really well ( I lost that when I lost my phone – damn it ).I am not sure why or how it works it just did – but I stuffed things up now back to square one …again – so figuring that if the “standard ” works well the personalised one will be even better,

            • Hi, Greg

              Thanks for the order. I will email you a link to download the other one again.
              Glad you liked it, and yes…the personalized one gets even better results 🙂

              Don’t worry about starting from square one again. Just think of it as a learning experience.

          • Hi, Mike so how can let go of My ex, and let go of the need to detach from our desire. I have been feeling worry and anxiety. I feel I am obsessed with my ex coming back to me? How to I work on letting go of the desire I have problem with that ?

          • Evelyn Evelyn

            So I can I work on let go of my ex? How can I work on letting the need of the detach from my desire. Today I fell anxious nervous and obsessed because I haven’t heard from him.

  6. RMM RMM

    Hi, I’m is it okay if i texted her like “Good Morning, I hope you’re doing fine, Have a nice day, Keep Smiling” while doing LoA it is said that don’t text her, let them be the one to send a message? Thank you and God Bless!

    • The reason for no contact at first is because most people cannot do it without feeling negative. If you can do it without feeling lack, missing the person, bad feelings coming up, and so on, then go ahead.

  7. Dazed&Confused Dazed&Confused

    Is it possible to get him back if he is no longer part of my life and has blocked me on all social media? I have a feeling he will come back. Im not concerned about how or why…but I’m not really seeing any signs of this coming true and am starting to doubt that it can actually happen. How will I reach him if there is no connection between us currently? Will he just randomly feel it one day?

    • You are worrying about the how. How will it happen?

      Law of attraction will work for negative feelings and emotions just as well as positive. We attract what we worry about.

      The attraction process is fairly simple. To manifest anything in your life you need to think, visualize and feel as if you already have it. Simple but hard to apply sometimes. It takes practice and discipline.

  8. Nass Nass

    Hi Mike

    Is there a time limit on how long manifestation should take.

    I’ve tried to remain positive but doubt seems to creep into my mind especially after a year of no contact, can you give me any advice?

    • No, there is no time limit. Everyone is different. What are you doing daily to manifest your desire?

      • Nass Nass

        I imagine being in his life, having him next to me and sharing every day life.

        More than 1 year has passed and I’m no further on. My heart tells me that one day he’ll return but my head tells me to give up.

        I don’t understand what else I could do to bring him back, should I give up?

        • I would not give up. Your heart energy is much stronger than your thought energy and if you have a strong feeling, then go with it.

  9. Diana Diana

    So I texted my exs friend, saying that no matter how much I miss my ex, Im also not going to chase him anymore, and that he probably doesnt even care about me anyways. Bad mistake. I feel as if it was way too negative of a text, and it may have completely ruined my chances of getting him back. What is your opinion on this ,Mike? Just curious thank you. 🙂

    • My opinion and the way the law of attraction works is…

      If you think it ruined your chances then it may have. If you think it was way too negative then it was. We attract what we think about. We attract more of what we think about.

      Now, if you think…Well, my ex will thing no big deal or maybe laugh when he hears that or it won’t bother him at all.

      One of my favorite sayings – whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. – Henry Ford

      • Diana Diana

        THANK YOU Mike !

  10. Chloe Elizabeth Chloe Elizabeth

    Hi Mike,

    I can’t find the comments/threads about the “missing” word. Saying “I miss my ex” something like that shows the universe that you are lacking of love or something? can you elaborate? Also what the postive way to say as opposite to “I miss my ex”

    • When you say or think the words missing my ex what comes into your mind? You will feel the lack of not having them, not being with them, how much you’re missing them and so on.

      Since we attract what we think about and more importantly feel all you will get is more of the same. Think of it as showing the universe okay this is what I want, and it will deliver.

      If you want to get an ex back you have to think, act and feel as if you were already back together. So how about, I used to miss my ex but I no longer do since we are back together again.

  11. Valerie Valerie

    Thank you Mike. I appreciate your help. However, I am still struggling a lot. I have been very depressed lately. I wake up, and hes not here. :'( I NEED to crawl out of this depression, somehow .Just not sure exactly HOW to do so. Its as if theres this negativity, but its NOT who I really am. I have been battling it for the last month, telling it to go away and such haha. Any advice on how to battle depression with the law of attraction?

  12. Valerie Valerie

    Hay Mike THANK YOU so much! You are wonderful! ☺

  13. Valerie Valerie

    Hi Mike are you still answering questions here?

  14. Tatiana Tatiana

    Hi Mike,

    My partner of 13 years broke up with me at the end of June and has developed a relationship with a woman he met online. The back story is that we were having issues for a while but I never considered leaving. I was drugged and raped in January and as a result became pregnant and because of my religious beliefs decided to keep the baby that is due at the beginning of October. He just couldn’t handle the situation and was so angry and hurt. I desperately want him back. He’s been my best friend and partner for so long. The problem is, is that we still live together (we have kids together) until September when he is planning to move out. I now have to watch him talk and text to this other woman all day.

    I have been practicing the law of attraction, have been meditating and doing self affirmations daily. I have been living in the end result and have been imagining in my mind that we are still together and extremely happy. No matter how positive I try to be nothing is changing. If anything he is getting angrier and more distant with me by the day. What do I do?! Please help me!

  15. Leanne Leanne

    Hi Mike . I think I really screwed up
    . I bumped into my ex at a party and he textede to say it was nice to see me and shame we couldn’t chat .
    I text back there wasn’t much to talk about as you’ve left me three times and we had a row. I said sorry about the text and that I didn’t mean it but he hasn’t replied. Have I blown it for good? I know I made a mistake . I would really appreciate a reply.

  16. Nass Nass

    Hi Mike

    I need some advice. I’ve tried so hard to remain positive but I’m struggling with the negative thoughts.

    It’s been a year since I last had contact, what do I do now, is it to late?

    • Keisha T Keisha T

      I read that for the Law attraction its about the persons free will so just visualizing isnt enough because you cant make someone do anything they dont want too do so whats the point of the Loa I really need your help because the love of my life is on our second breakup but something is telling me not too give up that we will marry someday

    • Stacey Stacey

      Hi Mike, me and my boyfriend of 3.5 years split in February because of me moving to America. Then in April he came out here too only to decide he didn’t want to work on things and told me he had learn to live with that void I once filled. For over a month now we’ve not been in contact although I’ve messaged and called a few too many times – all to be ignored. Is it too late and have I messed my chances up forever. He doesn’t even open my what’s app messages anymore to see what they even say…! I’m trying to manifest positive energy but I feel so lost. He was my best pal

    • sam smith sam smith

      It’s never too late. Think of it as time you’ve had to do other cool stuff you wouldnt have time to do if youre in a relationship. I’ve found writing a gratitude journal really helpful. Start by being grateful for all the small things in your life and write in your gratitude journal what you’d like to happen like reconciling.

  17. Dani Dani

    What exactly works ? Specific techniques or LOA in general ?

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Both work.

  18. Dani Dani

    Hello! So I attracted a crappy situation. My ex left and got with another woman. Honestly I thought I was doing pretty good, atleast giving 51%. I unfollowed him, his family and friends on everything. I was scrolling through what people like on Instagram and someone liked a picture he posted. I shouldn’t have clicked on it but I did. It was very painful reading what he wrote, calling her “wife material” and what not. He started traveling with her and doing a lot of activities. I didn’t go out there purposely looking for this photo, I mean that’s why I unfollowed him and others. But somehow I attracted it. Anyways, I’d really appreciate some guidance and advice. I listen to Agnes and do the meditations but honestly I’ve been having this feeling of completely focusing on myself and not even trying to do exercises to attract him. Is it ok if I do that or do I still need to put in work like specific person meditations and affirmations to get him back ?

    • Viviana Viviana

      My life was transformed so much more than you can imagine. My relationship was going down gradually, I was so much in need of help to get my Woman back I didn’t believe it could actually happen. My life was in shambles and now its back on track with my soul mate. We were separated for over 3 months. I like to say the 3 months of hell. But now we are back again and more happy then ever before. This works!

      • Valerie Valerie

        Thats amazing! May I ask, how did you do this? Any advice? thanx.

  19. Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

    Good news – After receiving many requests we have decided to offer custom made subliminals!

    We are now offering you a custom-made get your ex back subliminal. We will record the subliminals with your ex’s name, making our popular program even more effective and providing faster results for most people. You can even write your own affirmations if you desire.

    • Pat Pat

      Where do I go to order custom made subliminal to get my ex girlfriend back?

    • Pat Pat

      Where do we go to purchase custom ex back subliminals?

      Thank you,

    • Natalie Natalie

      Hi Mike… I’m in a total mess, my ex of 2 years, also named Mike has blown me out for a new girl. Basically we broke up 3 months ago after a silly argument. I was stubborn and said it wasn’t working for me and didn’t speak to him, mike was very hurt and upset and went on a dating rampage. However he still declared his undying love for me. Eventually I contacted him telling him I still love him too, he was thrilled and relieved BUT the day after he called to say he hasn’t slept and basically us being together does not work… followed by he’s happy to continue dating the new girl. This was 7 weeks ago. I told him I loved him etc. Made all the crappy mistakes known to man, cried, got angry, drank gin! I haven’t contacted him since, but I love him and I know he loves me. Our relationship was amazing, but his money situation made him feel distant and down, he felt bad that he could t provide for me! Not that I ever expected him to. My ex before mike was/is wealthy which made mike insecure. But I love the man. What do I do, I’m just like a sitting duck at the minute not knowing what the hell to do other than pray and talk to myself. Please help. Thanks

      • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

        Well, what are you doing to get him back? are you following any of the law of attraction methods?

        • Natalie Natalie

          I’m trying to do that. I feel I messed up early on (6 weeks ago) by becoming upset and trying to sway his mind that we are meant for each other. Since then he’s recoiled. Ill keep trying using the LOA and hoping. Thanks for responding

  20. Laura Laura

    Hi mike. My boyfriend and I have been on and off for about two years. I’ve been trying to
    Visualise us back together daily and him
    Committing to me. Yesterday when I was sitting on my sofa I thought I could smell him and his cologne? Is that a really good sign that he’s on his way back soon? I would really appreciate a reply. Also I’m worried about all my friends thinking it’s not stable that we’ve broken up three times .

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      I think that is a good sign. The more real it feels to you when you are doing your visualizations the better and faster they will manifest.

      • Michelle Michelle

        Hi Mike! Just wondering if you could answer my question to, i wrote a comment as Michelle just velle here.

        • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

          I believe I answered the correct post.

  21. Michelle Michelle

    Hi. I just started using LOA. I watched the movie and listened to the book Power by Rhonda Bynes and it totalt change my life. Because I have always been a paranoid person and I do believe now that that is the reason my relationships doesnt work. The reason I decided to watch the movie was because my boyfriend broke up with me last week, cause he didnt want to be in a relationship. I know that i want to be with him and i acknoledge my mistakes.
    So i bought a notebok and i went out and found two pretty rocks that i use as «gratitude stones».
    1.Each night i say all the things i am grateful og and end the sentence with thank you x3. And then i look at a picture of my ex and say all the things i am thankful for him and our relationship. And i say things like «Thank you _____, i love you and i am grateful for ___. And end it with thank you x3. I visualize us being back together, taking walks and just love eachother and then i thank the universe and god for our great relationship and that they brought us back together and that i am happy and grateful that everything is so much easier now.
    2.I do the same exact thing when i wake up.
    3.i continue during the day holding the stone and saying things i am thankful of. Everytime i take a sip of water or eat or whatever else i always say thank you.
    4.I also made a visualiseboard of pictures of us together that makes me feel good, and i look at them and think that this is us now.
    5.I am now only focusing on him but also on everything else and just continue to say thanks to everything. I have not contacted him and been doing this for a week now.
    – I am also listening to Rhonda Bynes audiobooks wherever i go. To hold my hope and motivation up.
    6.We have eachother on social media so yesterday i saw that he started to follow a lot of new girls on instagram, and i got sad and almost lost hope that maybe this is not working and he wants all of these girls instead. But then i started to say to myself that o am thankful that he loves me so much and that he is loyal and only want to be with me. And i got my hope back. And i have continued this process today.

    I am now wondering, am i doing anything wrong? Or should i add something to this? How long do you believe this will take, because all i think about is talking to him and missinh conversations. I dont feel bad! Im just saying that it makes me happy talking to him and i have this strong feeling that he wants to talk to me too.
    I hope you can answer this, i really need some help 🙂

    • Jessi Jessi

      You should not be stalking people. Stop stalking him. Work on yourself first, self love. Check out Agnes Vivarelli on youtube.

    • Lily Lily

      Stop stalking, stop checking his social media or even check a photo fo him because it will only give you negative emotion. You have to let go – let go of negative emotions for this to work. Because of what you feel right now is lacking and the universe is giving you the same. Like attracts like. I agree with the one who commented first. Work on yourself first. Check Agnes’ guided meditation videos and Veronica Isles’ video on YouTube. You can do this ☺️

      • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

        Well said!

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Hi, sounds like you’re doing everything right, pretty much. If you read my article the whole reason for the no contact rule is because of what you did. You see your ex doing something and it makes you feel bad, pushing all your positive work back.

      You could look at it this way. So he’s starting to follow a lot of the girls. They are not you. All the good memories you have and the connections you had, they do not have. Sometimes you have to let them go so they can look and see what’s out there and decide it doesn’t compare to what you used to have.

      Many times your ex will start seeing someone else and realize they don’t have as much in common or it’s just not the same as a was with you. What happens next, they start to miss you and realize they had a good thing.

      What you are doing works. Keep it up and don’t follow on social media or look at it in a totally different way. Keep everything positive. Meditation if done daily will also help a lot. Just clear your thoughts and let your mind take a break for a while.

  22. Saisha Saisha

    Hi mike. Its been one year that my bf has brokenup with me and is currently dating someone from past 5-6 months. I hve been hurted alot. From past one week there is lots of positivity in me and i hve been imagining how will my life n relation be when we are together. I hve made up plans as wat we r going to do together n all. Just for some minutes i get negative thoighy as to aftr doing so much n being happy n hoping so much wat if get more hurted and several questions like how would he leave his current gf and come back to me when we ended on a very bad note. He tld he hates me n never want to talk again. Can you plz guide me and help me out that i manifest him bck and get together soon.

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      You can’t worry about how it will happen. There are an infinite number of ways that it could happen.

      Possibilities are Limitless. Your job is to concentrate on the end result as if it already happened.

      Forget about your past there is nothing you can do about it. Too many people live in their past. Think about the future and how you would like it to be.

  23. Greg Allder Greg Allder

    Hi Mike
    You may not reply but..
    Just wondering if this programme or LoA will re store broken trust in a relationship.
    My fiancee and i were together 2.5 years but broke up many times. Jan 7 this year we had a bad bad fight that turned sadly physical.
    After being punched several times and getting a split eye i snapped and slapped her.
    The fight was over ( like all our fights) her jealousy and belief i was cheating. I have a female friend of 10 years who i am close to.
    Anyway my fiancee does not trust me as sees me as violent..her ex husbsnd was very violent and also still doesnt believe i am loyal 🙁
    Last month my hopes raised as she unblocked me after 4 months and she said she forgave me. Three days after she said we can never be friends again ( both were texts).

    Can LOA restore trust with any contact? I still want to marry her

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Trust is something you will need to earn over time. Work on changing yourself and your ex will see you differently. Law of Attraction works but it starts with yourself as always.

  24. Hopeful for Answers Hopeful for Answers

    I’m hoping to get some answers now since I didn’t receive any response when I posted last year, but it seems like Mike is back now, so maybe I’ll get an answer this time!
    I originally posted October 24, 2017 at 8:32 am under the name “Hopeful” (which then someone else started using, to confuse matters. I therefore wanted to edit my user name, and asked somewhere else in a forum about that, but never got any answer to that either.)
    Quoting parts of my previous post:

    “Thursday night (Oct 19th) I started the “Get Your EX Back Subliminal Program.”
    My husband came back home during the night Friday to Saturday. There may have been other reasons for his return, but I found using the program which I continued for at least 6 weeks, created more sweetness in our rapport with each other.

    1) What hz (cycles per second) is the “Get Your EX Back Subliminal Program” audio?
    Is it okay to listen to it while asleep?
    I’ve been listening to the Subliminal Audio while I sleep, on a continually playing loop. Does this affect my sleep? I’ve been tired and sleepy much of the day, but it could maybe be just because I had a big sleep deficit. But I read in an online article “How to Correctly Listen a Subliminal Audio:”
    “As the last advises, if you are going to listen to an audio while you sleep, be careful with what isochronic/binaural wave it contains, because if it’s very high you can have a very light sleep and bad resting. To listen during the night I recommend 5hz (5 cycles per second) which is the frequency of the REM sleep, this frequency helps to have a better resting. In the other hand, during the day I usually use 10hz that is a profound relaxing state, but awake, and in case you listen this frequency in the night it can make your sleep very light.”
    2) If my Ex is not really my Ex any longer, but is in fact back home, is it counterproductive to listen to affirmations calling him my EX?
    3) Will this program make him more PHYSICALLY attracted to me?
    We’ve been together a long time, despite some rough spots. I’m not bad looking, but I am a bit overweight. He has mother-issues, and in certain ways subconsciously treats me like a mother. (NB: His mother beat him up a lot, so this doesn’t help, as it sparks rebellious behavior in him. Against me…) But he hasn’t been physically attracted to me for a long time. I’d really like to reawaken some intimacy in our relationship…”

    • Hopeful for Answers Hopeful for Answers

      Apologies in advance if my message comes across as too intense – I had inserted cheery emoticoms in the draft, but they didn’t show up in the final post. 😉

      • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

        Did not take it that way 🙂

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Hello, sorry I did not see that post. I was doing a lot of traveling last year. I’ve never left, just been pretty busy with other projects.

      In answer to your question, the recording was made starting with Delta waves in the 4 Hertz range then fading into the theta range of 7 Hertz.

      There is no problem if you fall asleep while listening to it. The subliminals will still be absorbed by your subconscious mind.

      If you are having trouble sleeping discontinue listening for a while and see. It may have been just because you were tired or a could be that it changes brainwave frequencies.

      It is designed to place you in a very relaxed dreamlike state. Personally, I sleep like a rock using my own subliminals. Everyone is different.

      I am happy to hear that the program worked for you !!

      It may be counterproductive since it is no longer needed. Will it make you more attractive to him… Since the program places you in a higher state of vibration and people are naturally attracted to that, then I would say yes.

      People with a higher vibration naturally attract other people. Ever have someone walk into a room and you just like that person right away but don’t know why?

      • Hopeful for Answers Hopeful for Answers

        Thank you for the answer; yes I’d assumed that you were busy and probably away for a bit. When I saw you were commenting again I decided to pop in again. All the best, and keep up the good work! 🙂

  25. T T

    I have been in a 10 year relationship some of these years were long distance (5 years) we were quite serious and loyal all these years and it was going good. Since last year, living in different countries and distance kind of screwed up everything.we decided to walk away this year but then I realised this cant be the i took the first flight with minimum luggage 5 pairs of clothes,my rent is on,thinking i will talk him out and get back together but when i came here i found out that hes already moved on with another girl. So i have been infront of him since 2 months. Hes moved on,already with a gurl but really cares for emotionally connected to him so much that i end up breaking down infront of him and loosing myself. I have been applying Loa different techniques, all friends and family have spoken to him. He does agree we are perfect for eachother we are very compatible but he just doesnt love me or has any feelings for me but that new girl. He hangs out with me a friend in our groups. I have tried no contact for a week, i have tried being friends, but already been 2 months and nothing major happening. My friends suggesting to move on and go back to where i was,and start my new life. I feel we r soulmates and hes the one i open up my feelings to. Ee have so much build up in 10 years that i cant let go of and want to marry him but he wants to be with that gurl he met 2 months ago. I have also tried imagining and txting myself as im txting him for 1 week but not much luck. I have been doing creative energy meditation and writing gratitude journal and everything i want with him in present tense. Mike what do you suggest. I am very positive all day and apply loa and think we r together forever and all day and night. 24×7 my mind is going crazy. Times ticking fast,my rent is going on and opportunities too in the country i was in. I m giving my 100% but hes very stubborn and doesnt want to give me a chance. I hve been breaking down alot infront of him and loosing my control. What do you advise to do? Every time i give him space i find out more about their relstionship getting stronger. The girls under pressure from her family to get married and im scared my ex will jump into it. Times very critical for me. Pls advise what do u suggest and how to manifest loa faster and effectively. Im acting as i already have him but he just told me today that “be prepared i might be going with her forever” this has broken my heart again and m loosing my faith of us being together. He does txt n call and meet me but just as friends. Pls adv asap times ticking.
    Thank you

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      It sounds like you’re doing mostly the right things but then you our undoing your work by thinking negative.

      It’s not easy but you must detach and that law of attraction work. Think of other things that make you happy go out and do something for yourself that will cheer you up.

      Just wrote a couple articles that may help you one is about reaching your desire faster and another one about getting your ex back.

      • T T

        Thanks for replying. I am acting as if i am engaged to him. Acting as if im Txting/calling/emailing him.we do hangout in group of friends and im not showing any keeping my positivity higher and acting as if we r togethr and planning our wedding,im also booking tickets for trip we were planning to go to may be that will work. But he says he is not in love with me, can I change that by using LOA and my desires? Can I make him change his feelings or LOA doesnt work for that?

        • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

          What you can change is the way you think and feel. Do things that make YOU happy. Show gratitude for every little thing. Your vibration will change to a higher level which naturally attracts other people. You were in love once. Often an ex will get that same feeling again. If you change they will notice. It all starts with you.

    • S S

      Dear T,

      It sounds like he wants to be with the other person. Or he is playing mind games with you. Question is, do you really want to be with someone who says ‘be prepared I might be with her forever’. He is implying that you are an option. And no one deserves to be in a relationship where they are an option and not the number one priority. It’s not a nice thing to tell someone you once cared about. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I believe if you used law of attraction to manifest the man of your dreams instead and let the intention go, eventually the universe will bring that person to you. Love yourself and give your heart time to heal. Wish you the best.

  26. purvi sancheti purvi sancheti

    Hey mike!
    I have been reading the success stories and i am a very strong believer or loa, i am an indian but i follow you strongly, so basically i m in a relationship with karan since tweleve years but as due to families we had many misunderstandings and he broke off two months back, i was in depression and felt too low in the first month but in second month i read about loa and am still reading the success stories and applying it and i am waiting to post my success story to inspire more people. Karan is a muma boy and his mom sentiments has been hurt. I visualise a happy relationship with karan the way i had tweleve years back, he was crazy for me, same way am also doing mails romantic ones to me, by making me feel as if he is sending. I visualise us togther before going to bed coz that time is the best time, i feel great. I want to know how to send positive vibrations to make him
    Me or miss me, i dont have anything negativity for him. I look at his picture and kiss and i just say we are so happy togther. Thank you in advance mike. Would love to know how should i go further.

  27. BC BC

    Hi Mike,

    My bf broke up with me last Fri saying that he doesn’t see me being compatible with him in the long term, I was shocked and didn’t take it well. So he suggested to meet again over the weekend to talk again. On Sun we met up and I told him everything I thought we could do to start over and why we’re not working at the moment. I think I managed to convince him a little bit and it looked like he was trying hard to stick to his mind but he was still reluctant, saying that he couldn’t walk away saying yes knowing that it’s not the right thing to do. But he promised to think about it again and said we’ll talk again in a week. I want to use LOA to get him back and am ready to start 30 days of no contact, but my question is, in case if he really contacts me this week to tell me what he decided, should i break the 30 days and talk to him? And if he says no, should i start the 30 days again after he says no?

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Sounds like you’re on the right track and doing the right things, just keep your thoughts on the end result of what you desire not what you are lacking or missing in your life.

      Yes, you can send feelings to another person. It has been proven that the heart sends out electrical energy and is now known that it is much more powerful than we ever thought.

  28. JJ JJ

    Hi Mike,

    I started seeing a guy about 3 months ago and things were going well. Unlike my other past relationships, I could see a life with him. On top of a great chemistry, we also shared many core values and beliefs and have the same priorities in life. He started becoming distant about a month ago and yesterday he said that he didn’t think we should continue our relationship. He left the country this morning on a one way ticket and said that he would be back (no definite time) and we should touch base then.

    Both of us are in our thirties, so this isn’t a teenage crush. I believe that he is the one for me although he may not reciprocate the feeling. My biggest fear in embarking in this LOA journey is, imagining that he’s here, imagining that we are together will result in prolonged and intensified pain if we don’t end up together. Most people would recommend I start the healing process by forgetting him and moving on. What you have written here seems to be the complete opposite of that “standard break-up/move on phase.

    My questions are:
    1. Am I right in concluding that your suggestions is in fact the opposite of the traditional way of dealing with break-up, i.e. do not look at his photo, do not imagine a future with him, do not think of him at all, get him out of your mind, etc.
    2. I am scared of getting more hurt by holding on to the possibilities of us getting back together (friends call this being delusional!). How do I get over the fear of LOA not working for us?

    Many thanks for your response.

    • Jm Jm

      My ex boyfriend and I were together for a 1 1/2. He was so in love with me. Treated me like his queen. We we first met the energy between us was amazing…nothing I have ever felt before. Well I messed up…I treated him badly…due to past relationships I just thought he was too good to be true. 3 weeks ago he broke up with me. It was completely unexpected. He was tired of the love not being reciprocated as he had given. I was completely devastated and heart broken. I told him I wanted him back but he said no. I know hes my soul mate. He has inspired me to change and to give him all of me…not just pieces. We have spoken recently and has said he can’t be friends with an ex. Yesterday I came across this article and I’m completely dedicated and all in. I will update.

      • Maria Maria

        Oh wow. This exactly me you could be describing. I’ve just done the exact same thing and could kick myself. I had it all but messed it up so bad. Im having to learn to forgive myself in order to move forward and give loa a decent chance to work. Trying to only think positive thoughts isnt easy when you’re living in a place of fear that its never going to happen. I hope you manage to pull him back in. But if you dont, i hope you find someone new and you are in a place of self love and acceptance so that you dont repeat the same mistakes

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Okay so looking at photos grieving missing the person the usual break up scenario or whatever you want to call it… how does that make you feel?

      Terrible right? Of course, it does. We’ve all been there. The reason I usually suggest not looking at old photos and all of that is that it brings up missing the person. Pain, lack and so on.

      We attract what we feel. This is how law of attraction works. If you think about pain and missing the person and don’t think it’s going to work out all you are going to attract is more of what you are feeling.

      You have to shift your mindset into thinking about or more importantly feeling what you want in your life. Let Law of Attraction take care of the rest.

  29. Opal Opal

    Hi after reading your article I feel confident and eager to start it, however I have a question. U said I shouldn’t contact him during that time. My birthday coming in 20 days, if he wishes me should I reply back or not? 7 days after my birthday it will be his too so can I wish him thru a message or not? I know my questions might look silly but I just don’t want to screw up.10 yrs of love, really want him back. Thank u

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Okay so here’s the thing, most people cannot talk to, text, or email their ex without feeling bad. If you can do it without feeling bad only thinking positive thoughts of being back together as if it already happened and go ahead.

      • Eric Richey Eric Richey

        I’m in Love with my “ex”.

        In my Heart I believe I am going to get married to her, and have a wonderful family together, let alone an amazing lifestyle.

        However I’ve gone back and forth between Attracting and repeling her.

        I feel I’m at my wits end. I must allow her to contact me.
        The only thing I can do now is focus on my personal/business goals so I can make that family a reality.

        Would appreciate some suggestions or guidance.
        If I’m vibrating at the proper level, she WILL contact me.
        No worries about me reaching out to her again.
        Instead of feeling good I feel wishy washy about initiating anything further (not so good).

        • Louisa Louisa

          Try not to worry too much as it’ll attract more worry.
          You could always do some fun things or hobbies that you enjoy like watching uplifting films.

          I’ve done that as well. Attracting someone and then repelling them. Hanging out with your friends who appreciate you is helpful too. I did and do a gratitude journal daily and I found that really helpful. If you start appreciating the little things… bigger things will follow. Write how happy and grateful you are about reconciling. … When you start becoming happy on your own and letting go of your desire that’s when you manifest things. Subliminals really helped me too.

  30. Hello, I need help. My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday but a week before that he said that he wants a cool off in our relationship, he’s experiencing a depression. He said that he’s tired in our relationship and he’s getting tired because we have an LDR relationship. I love him so much, please help me. I want fo attract him back, I really do love him.

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Let me suggest reading the article again. You need to keep your mind on what you want not what you are missing. You have to think and feel from the end result as if it already happened, being back together.

  31. LoverGirl LoverGirl

    Hi! I broke the heart of the man I feel like I am supposed to be with. I have seen a clear vision of what our future looks like and I tried this method and after 30 days he started talking to me again. We were REALLY GOOD for a month, but he didn’t know how he actually felt (he’s dealing with depression and doesn’t think anybody will stay with him because he says he’s toxic) in this time, I started seeing that maybe he might leave me after all, and my emotions were not going to positive things. I became really needy and poured my heart out to him only for him to tell me he loves me but doesn’t know that it will work. What do I do now? Is hope lost? Should I give up?

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Don’t give up. You need to get back to feeling the way you did before you became needy and all that. You know it works. Do what you did before that attracted him back.

  32. Orin Orin

    Also, I’m curious how the subliminal recording is specific to “getting your ex back.” Can you enlighten me? It seems like it’s just binaural sounds and nature sounds with nothing specific to getting an ex back.

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      All the subliminals listed on the sales page are recorded and repeated for the full 30 minutes. They are recorded just below your normal hearing range. This way your conscious mind will not reject them.

      Your conscious mind will not analyze, think about or disagree with the subliminals, they will go straight to your subconscious. Same principle as hypnosis. Except you are in full control.

      Your subconscious runs the show. This is where all your true beliefs are locked away. Self-defeating ones. Once you change your beliefs with the subliminals you will automatically attract what you believe you already have. 🙂

      • Jm Jm

        Mike…I started this process yesterday and I was excited. You said not to contact your ex and I did. Because of this I’m even more broken hearted. Should I just restart…or should I accept things as is?

  33. Orin Orin

    This is one of the better articles I’ve read on this subject. Obviously a lot depends on individual details, but this one seemed the best fit for my personal situation. Trying to get into that state of mine full time!

  34. Jill Jill

    Hi mike
    I’m going to see how this works
    Many years ago I broke with my ex over revisiting traumatic past experiences- reacting badly pouring the negative on him.
    Over the years I have dreams premenitions when he breaks up with someone but more so in the past 6 months these dreams are very frequent, soul selfs have healed become friends and got back together and pregnant in dream world, I’ve put hard work in the past in sending love vibes out to him and wrote letters of forgiveness etc.
    It feels real

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Great! There is great power in getting into the feeling. You attract what you feel. We use our thoughts and other methods to generate the feeling. Sounds like you are there…

  35. Lily Lily


    I’m going to do this for the first time today and I’m very hopeful that it will work. I’m still feeling a bit negative (missing him badly) as I woke up but I know I can do this. It’s been months since he blocked me. I tried contacting him last month through his friend but I ended up hurting myself. He’s avoiding me. I’ve been depressed, devastated. All of the negative emotions came in ever since. I tried those subliminals, affirmations and meditations video on YouTube, I’m not sure if they really worked or just coincidence, two of my exes contacted me. I tried Agnes’ video as well and I’m not seeing any results yet. I’m really, really hoping LOA would help. I’m starting my day today by telling myself that I am loved, wanted and secured though I’m still feeling a little anxious. But I can do this. I really want him back. I can do this.

    • Lily Lily

      Hi. I have a question. I’m on my 3rd day today doing this. On my first and second day he was on my dream everynighg. However, I couldn’t see him. I mean I know he was and I was talking to him, but I couldn’t see him. I don’t understand why. Is it because I do this method? Help please. Thank you. 🙂

      • Lily Lily

        It didn’t work 🙁

  36. I just want to leave a comment and just say this really really does help. My ex and I had a huge ugly bad break up and I don’t want to get into details. After all the bad stuff happened between us had stopped. We have gone no contact. And I’ve made no efforts to make any contact. No phone calls, text, social media and ect to my partner. I’ve let go of everything, The past and the relationship between us.I stopping seeing our old photos and messages as well. I truly believe she’s the one with all my heart. When I came across this site a few days ago. I decided to give LOA a try. I’ve been sending myself emails as if it was from her and visualize her around me and thinking of the great times, thinking all the positive about her. And I will say it works so far and helps greatly. I’ve trusted the process and helped build my faith and believing more that we are getting back together. And focusing more on the end goal. Just gotta do that and nothing more and I believe it will work and she will come to me and talk to me about Everything. Just wanted to say thank you for this. It really helped me think more positive, block out the negatives and I feel much better. I won’t give up and I believe it will happen!

    • Dainnese Jackson Dainnese Jackson

      I came across this and wrote everything in my note book. I will give this a try. I had an ex boyfriend a good man who I now regret breaking up with years ago.He is an Angel God sent my way. In 2011 after my brain operation I decided to test the water and left him. 2012 he request me on social media but we got into an arguement. He took me off social media and BLOCKED me. Then he add me again on social media in 2017 but then he took me off. Last week a day before valentines day he add me again. I add him on. But before I read this I wrote him a letter and sent him a valentines day card etc. Now I know not to contact him. Even though he is on my page I won’t even look on his page. But I will take your advice. I really want him back and I believe he still loves me too because he request me three times on social media. I will keep you posted.

      Author Dainnese

  37. T T

    My original comment that didn’t show up was something along these lines….

    I had a 2 1/2 month very intense relationship with a man I’ll call Tim. In that time we spent a LOT of time together and my feelings were very intense. He ended it very abruptly and I still have no idea why or what happend. I actually think I probably pushed him away because of the intensity of my emotions…I was so fearful that I wasn’t the only one, that he would leave me, etc. I know I was on a very negative frequency at that time.
    I recently read The Secret (based on the LoA). Last week I put the thought out and truly believed Tim would contact me even though I had not heard from him for weeks. Later that day I had a message from a dating site I belong to that I had received a message from Tim…I knew it wasn’t THE Tim because that’s not his user name on there. Then I received a message from THE Tim and following that I have received messages from at least 3 other men named Tim. (I guess I should have been more specific in the first place).
    Anyway, we chatted a bit and have gotten together a couple times. However at this point it seems to be a “friends with benefits” type arrangement.
    My question…can LoA be used to manifest an actual relationship with him WHILE continuing the existing “friends with benefits” one?
    Thoughts and opinions appreciated.

    • Ashley Ashley

      How did you do this? I’ve been following this religiously and have not had any results yet. Is there something you could suggest?!



      • T T

        How did I do what? I’m not sure exactly…as I said I just put the thought and belief out that he would contact me and he did! Don’t know anything other than that.

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      You can have anything you want, the universe does not judge or have an opinion. We attract what we feel and think about, good or bad, there is no difference. Law of attraction works either way….and Yes, you should be very specific when asking for your desires.

    • T T

      Update…Still working on this. Trying to learn to “detach” from wanting it so badly and trying not to focus on the fact that it hasn’t happened yet (therefore the lack). The last couple days I do believe and see us in a relationship again.
      I have noticed that the times I feel differently – more positive and happy – he seems to respond differently. We had 2 really good phone conversations in which he seemed to open up more to me than he ever had.
      I’ve also been listening to subliminals about detaching. The last 2 days he has contacted me by text and yesterday asked me to call. He suggested possibly getting together later in the week, whereas it seems it’s usually been me suggesting the get togethers.
      I am feeling good about this!

    • j j

      how long were you apart before he texted you

  38. gr8one18 gr8one18

    Hi mike
    Your suggest would be highly appreciated
    I have practicing LOA for a while now trying to get the love of my life back. But not seeing any results I decided to put myself out in social world again, went on a few dates and all of a sudden 2 nights ago while playing YouTube this songs pops up which she dedicated to me when we first fell in love. And then where ever I go I see her name coming up might not spell the same but similar names and while watching Netflix the first movie that comes up on list is the one she suggested me ages ago and that movie is all about signs from universe.
    Now I am wondering are these the signs that it is manifesting or just coincidence or I am paying too much attention.
    Your advise will be really appreciated.

    • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

      Hi, It all depends on how you are taking these signs. If you’re using law of attraction properly you should be feeling great when you see signs like this, however most people will start to think how much they are missing the other person and start feeling sad.

      Remember you get what you feel and think about.

      • Gr8one18 Gr8one18

        I just get excited looking at these signs and just smile and start imagining how it should be infact last Sunday I was feeling a bit low as it was valentine week
        Then I saw this writing outside a shop while driving which said *you are in good hands* and same evening I found out she is still single
        Regardless it’s manifesting or not one thing is sure it is really helping me be the person I was 8 months ago

      • meena meena

        Love from pakistan
        I love your 30 days get him back programe I want to ask can i use my own affirmation and visualization during this 30 days ?

        • Mike Tucker Mike Tucker

          Yes of course

  39. T T

    Thought I posted a comment but it’s not showing up. This is just a test to see if there’s some sort of delay! Or whether I need to post my original comment again! Thanks.

  40. LivingFrom LivingFrom


    We broke up about 3 months ago and I jumped right onto LoA! Asked to have it all worked out before I left for Christmas, after submitting my last exams. He wanted to meet up and get his stuff, but I told him I had to take care of myself until I finished my exams. We’ve been on and off for the last year and this time the break up was different, and final from his perspective. I was crushed! We talked about engagement only a week prior…

    Funny incident:
    The day prior to our appointed meeting I was sitting in a office and needed to print something. I told myself the whole day; I will make this happen within a time frame, even though most people don’t seem to pull it off. All of a sudden the printer stoped working. And I KNEW I would meet him as I walked into uni to locate another machine. The machine there was also out of service, so I had to locate a 3rd one… And of course, there he was, so happy to see me! At the exact same spot I had been sitting and vizualizing him passing me for almost 2 weeks. My intuition told me to give him a hug, but for some reason I didn’t… I was scared and maybe thought he needed to make the first step… Not wanting to be needy as he was so consistent and certain regarding the break up.

    He came over while I was doing my thing next to the printer, but as I was standing there, thinking about why the hell I didn’t put on some make up and didn’t do my thing before leaving the house that morning, all this projected onto him and we had a quite awkward moment to say the least, him scanning me, copying my feelings and moved on… the next day came and I heard nothing…

    Three days later, consistently trying to let go, he texted me and asked if I could message him when I got back from the holidays to exchange stuff…

    I left on vacation, again focusing on myself and suddenly he started to like all of my pictures on insta. I even manifested a text saying happy new year!

    The last part of the holidays was a nightmare for me and I projected a lot of crap. Crying my eyes out a couple of times… WHY hadn’t I dared to follow my intuition straight away?! It could have been solved by now…

    Coming back from v-cay we passed each other a couple of times in the hall way, not communicating. Rather some tension… Something is different now… probably my crap and low vibe

    I texted him as we agreed and we had a friendly conversation where he even complimented me and said it was nice hearing from me. Not mentiong the things he wanted to pick up, indirectly telling me he was in a poor state, me inviting him over for a cup of tea to be friendly, but he rejected in a friendly manner… Haven’t heard from him since and it’s been over a week now…

    I seriously hit the wall during the last part of the holidays and even had some anger towards the whole break up and situations that occurred during the relationship… Knowing everyone is me pushed out, I know it’s between me and me… But god it’s so hard… Feels like I’m starting over, but probably I’m not… 😉

    I’ve attracted a great handful of admirers during this process, one of them being a pretty strong mirroring of all of my beliefs. He is ready to have a relationship with me after meeting 2 times, and I can feel me whole body telling me NO! He helped me see my beliefs and patterns so clearly, and I will have to let him go next time we meet. I will not fall into that trap, as well as I’m grateful for the clarity, also making me even more certain of wanting my man and reminding me WHY… As I realized that, I let go of the anger towards him and what happened between us. I got a clear example of what’s happening inside of me and what I need to work on. And this time I recognised it, it feels like Shit, meaning something has moved and changed inside of me!! I’m so proud! 😀

    On day 1 of this program today…

    Any tips or comments about my jurney or how to proceed?

    I’m sorry for the long post… Hope it can help someone! xD Everything is appreciated ♡


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